
Connect with Ministry Leaders
We encourage everyone to get involved in ministry at Glacier Church, so we invite you to contact ministry leaders if you have questions about how to serve in a specific ministry.
We have children's Bible classes for all ages during the sermons, for which we need teachers and helpers. Contact Barb Adams, to have a conversation about helping in this way.
We have a group of young adults who host youth group once a month and youth events throughout the year. Contact Caleb Fitzwater, to have a conversation about helping in this way.
Caleb Fitzwater
If you are gifted with music ability, running sound, or running slides, we invite you to contact Tami Riley for further conversation about serving in this area.
Tami Riley
We have a team who prepares coffee and cookies for our meet-and-greet time at 9:30 on Sunday mornings. They also host church fellowships. Contact Cher Stone, to have a conversation about helping in this way.
Cher Stone
We clean our church building with a team of volunteers who are on a rotating schedule. It takes two people about two hours to clean the entire building, but we often have three or four on the schedule at a time. We invite you to contact Sandy Reich, to have a conversation about serving in this way.
Jeanne Turner
We have a volunteer team that keeps our building and grounds in good repair, by shoveling, raking leaves, trimming bushes, washing windows, cleaning gutters, etc. Contact Dave Reich, to have a conversation about serving in this way.
Dave Reich
We host a large community garden every summer, so we need volunteers to help prepare the garden, maintain it, and clean it up in the fall. Contact Greg Carson, to have a conversation about serving in this way.
Greg Carson